Angular Animations

Angular Animations

Question 1: What are Angular animations and how do you implement them?

Answer: Angular animations provide a powerful system for implementing animations declaratively. Key concepts include:

  1. State and transition animations
  2. Keyframe animations
  3. Group animations
  4. Reusable animations
  5. Route animations

Question 2: How do you implement basic animations in Angular?

Answer: Here are examples of different animation types:

// 1. Basic State Animation
import { 
} from '@angular/animations';

  selector: 'app-animated-card',
  template: `
    <div [@cardState]="state" 
  animations: [
    trigger('cardState', [
      state('normal', style({
        transform: 'scale(1)',
        opacity: 1
      state('expanded', style({
        transform: 'scale(1.1)',
        opacity: 0.9
      transition('normal <=> expanded', [
        animate('200ms ease-in-out')
export class AnimatedCardComponent {
  state = signal<'normal' | 'expanded'>('normal');
  toggleState() {
    this.state.update(current => 
      current === 'normal' ? 'expanded' : 'normal'

// 2. Keyframe Animation
  selector: 'app-shake-button',
  template: `
    <button [@shakeAnimation]="shake()"
      Click Me!
  animations: [
    trigger('shakeAnimation', [
      transition('false => true', [
        animate('500ms', keyframes([
          style({ transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)', offset: 0.1 }),
          style({ transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)', offset: 0.3 }),
          style({ transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)', offset: 0.5 }),
          style({ transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)', offset: 0.7 }),
          style({ transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)', offset: 1 })
export class ShakeButtonComponent {
  shake = signal(false);
  triggerShake() {
    setTimeout(() => this.shake.set(false), 500);

Question 3: How do you implement complex animations?

Answer: Here are examples of more complex animations:

// 1. Group Animations
  selector: 'app-complex-animation',
  template: `
    <div [@complexAnimation]="state()">
      <div class="card">
        <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
        <p>{{ content }}</p>
  animations: [
    trigger('complexAnimation', [
      transition('void => *', [
          query('.card', [
            style({ transform: 'translateY(-100%)' }),
            animate('300ms ease-out', 
              style({ transform: 'translateY(0)' }))
          query('h2', [
            style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-100%)' }),
            animate('300ms 100ms ease-out', 
              style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' }))
          query('p', [
            style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(100%)' }),
            animate('300ms 200ms ease-out', 
              style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' }))
export class ComplexAnimationComponent {
  state = signal<string>('active');

// 2. Reusable Animations
// animations.ts
export const fadeAnimation = trigger('fade', [
  transition(':enter', [
    style({ opacity: 0 }),
    animate('300ms', style({ opacity: 1 }))
  transition(':leave', [
    animate('300ms', style({ opacity: 0 }))

export const slideAnimation = trigger('slide', [
  transition(':enter', [
    style({ transform: 'translateX(-100%)' }),
    animate('300ms ease-out', 
      style({ transform: 'translateX(0)' }))
  transition(':leave', [
    animate('300ms ease-in', 
      style({ transform: 'translateX(100%)' }))

// Usage in component
  selector: 'app-animated',
  template: `
    @if (show()) {
      <div @fade>
        Faded content
    @if (items(); as list) {
      @for (item of list; track {
        <div @slide>
          {{ }}
  animations: [fadeAnimation, slideAnimation]
export class AnimatedComponent {
  show = signal(true);
  items = signal<Item[]>([]);

// 3. Route Animations
  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <div [@routeAnimations]="
      <router-outlet #outlet="outlet" />
  animations: [
    trigger('routeAnimations', [
      transition('* <=> *', [
        style({ position: 'relative' }),
        query(':enter, :leave', [
            position: 'absolute',
            top: 0,
            left: 0,
            width: '100%'
        ], { optional: true }),
        query(':enter', [
          style({ left: '-100%' })
        ], { optional: true }),
        query(':leave', animateChild(), { optional: true }),
          query(':leave', [
            animate('300ms ease-out', 
              style({ left: '100%' }))
          ], { optional: true }),
          query(':enter', [
            animate('300ms ease-out', 
              style({ left: '0%' }))
          ], { optional: true })
export class AppComponent {
  getRouteState(outlet: RouterOutlet) {
    return outlet?.activatedRouteData?.['animation'];

Question 4: How do you optimize animations for performance?

Answer: Here are performance optimization techniques:

// 1. Web Animations API
  animations: [
    trigger('performantAnimation', [
      transition('* => *', [
        animate('{{ duration }}ms {{ timing }}', 
          style({ transform: '{{ transform }}' }))
      ], {
        params: {
          duration: 300,
          timing: 'ease-out',
          transform: 'translateX(0)'
export class PerformantComponent {
  // Use transform instead of left/top
  animationState = signal({
    duration: 300,
    timing: 'ease-out',
    transform: 'translateX(100%)'

// 2. Optimized List Animations
  template: `
    @for (item of items(); track {
      <div @listAnimation>
        {{ }}
  animations: [
    trigger('listAnimation', [
      transition(':enter', [
          opacity: 0, 
          transform: 'translateY(-20px)' 
        animate('200ms ease-out', style({ 
          opacity: 1, 
          transform: 'translateY(0)' 
export class ListComponent {
  items = signal<Item[]>([]);

Interview Tips 💡

  1. Animation States

    // Define clear states
    trigger('elementState', [
      state('inactive', style({
        backgroundColor: '#eee',
        transform: 'scale(1)'
      state('active', style({
        backgroundColor: '#cfd8dc',
        transform: 'scale(1.1)'
      transition('inactive => active', animate('100ms ease-in')),
      transition('active => inactive', animate('100ms ease-out'))
  2. Reusable Animations

    // Create animation factory
    export const slideInAnimation = (
      duration: number = 300
    ) => 
      trigger('slideIn', [
        transition(':enter', [
          style({ transform: 'translateX(-100%)' }),
          animate(`${duration}ms ease-out`, 
            style({ transform: 'translateX(0)' }))
  3. Performance Tips

    // Use transform and opacity
    trigger('performant', [
      state('visible', style({
        opacity: 1,
        transform: 'translateX(0)'
      state('hidden', style({
        opacity: 0,
        transform: 'translateX(-100%)'
  4. Testing

    describe('AnimatedComponent', () => {
      it('should trigger animation', fakeAsync(() => {
        const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(
        const component = fixture.componentInstance;
        tick(300); // Animation duration
  5. Common Patterns

    // Stagger animations
    query(':enter', stagger('50ms', [
      style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-20px)' }),
      animate('200ms ease-out', 
        style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)' }))
  6. Best Practices

    // Use params for flexibility
    trigger('parameterized', [
      transition('* => *', [
        animate('{{ duration }}ms {{ timing }}')
      ], {
        params: {
          duration: 300,
          timing: 'ease-out'

Remember: In interviews, focus on:

  • Animation concepts
  • Implementation patterns
  • Performance optimization
  • Testing strategies
  • Best practices
  • Common use cases
  • Browser support

Key points to emphasize:

  1. State-based animations
  2. Keyframe animations
  3. Route animations
  4. Performance optimization
  5. Testing approaches
  6. Reusability
  7. Best practices